Ceiling Fan Installation Disclaimer

1. All electrical goods require installation from a licensed electrician. Please wait for your goods to arrive before booking your electrician. It is important that you keep your electrician’s certificate of installation in a safe place.

2. Ceiling fans should be installed so you have a minimum of 2.1m from blade to floor, however please check with your local council regulations and electrician to assess your individual needs.

Ceiling Fan Warranty Disclaimer

1. Ensure installation takes place by a licensed and qualified electrician unless otherwise stated. Proof is often required upon requesting a warranty – this proof will need to be in the form of an invoice or receipt detailing the name and licence.

2. Never take down your fan if there is a fault before contacting the warranty line. Most warranties are in-home therefore will only take effect on installed fans unless otherwise instructed.

3. You must maintain your ceiling fan to prevent corrosion damage to the finishes. A lack of maintenance causing damage is not covered by warranty. See your fan instructions for care / maintenance instructions.

4. For comprehensive warranty information + terms and conditions please visit the manufacturers website.